Is a career in Manufacturing and Utilities a good fit for me?
With 1 in 10 Canadians working in the Manufacturing sector there are a wide range of career options and opportunities. A career in Manufacturing and Utilities can include working as a manager, supervisor, labourer or operator in the manufacturing and processing of minerals, metals, plastics, rubber, textiles, electronics, forest products, food products and other materials. It can involve motor vehicle assembly, electronics manufacturing, or working with petroleum, natural gas, wastewater or other utilities. This category will appeal to those who enjoy doing practical, hands on work in a busy and fast paced environment. Jobs in manufacturing and utilities may be suitable for those who enjoy working with others, are effective communicators, are adaptable and are able to respond to the often changing demands of the industry. Many jobs in this category will involve repetitive, physically demanding work, oftentimes in a hot, noisy and/or dusty environment.
Still unsure?

Resources for Careers in Manufacturing & Utilities
For detailed Labour Market Information on Manufacturing & Utilities positions, including all job titles in this category:
Province of New Brunswicks Occupational Profiles
Additional Resources:
A profile of the Manufacturing Sector in New Brunswick
Careers in Manufacturing
New Brunswick Energy & Utilities Board
NB Power
Enbridge Gas New Brunswick
Canadian Electricity Association
New Brunswick Association of Onsite Wasterwater Professionals Inc.
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters NB
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Canadian Plastics Industry Association
Canadian Steel Producers Association
Food Processors of Canada
What Skills Do I Need?
A review of job advertisements across New Brunswick for manufacturing and utilities positions revealed that employers are consistently asking for the following Essential Skills:
- Working With Others – Almost every advertisement mentioned being a team player and having strong interpersonal skills as a requirement
- Oral Communication-- Oral communication skills were consistently listed as a requirement or an asset to jobs in this category
Other skills requested, but less frequently than those listed above are:
- Reading / Writing – Reading and interpreting specifications or follow verbal instructions were listed as sought after skills
Other skills most frequently included by employers are:
- Able to work under pressure in a fast paced environment
- Hand eye coordination / Manual dexterity
- Able to handle repetitive tasks
- Able to handle physically demanding work and heavy loads
- Able to stand for extended periods / Bending / Crouching / Kneeling

Manufacturing & Utilities
This category contains supervisory and production occupations in manufacturing, processing and utilities.
When conducting labour market research in areas where occupations are defined by a 4 digit NOC (National Occupational Classification) code, the first digit of the code for all manufacturing & utilities occupations is 9.
Landing a Job in Manufacturing & Utilities
To secure a position in Manufacturing & Utilities you will need to highlight the skills that employers are looking for from their employees. The previous section on skills will help you recognize the most sought after skills. If there are areas you feel you need to work on, it would be a good idea to practice.
For detailed information on how to conduct an effective job search, visit the job search section of our website by clicking here
In order to prepare for an interview in Manufacturing & Utilities it would be a great idea to think of a time when you have demonstrated each of the skills listed above. Here are some additional interview questions to help you prepare:
- What experience do you have with pulp and paper processing? Water and chemical processes?
- What do you see as the biggest safety issue in manufacturing and production?
- Tell me about a time when you have witnessed a colleague or supervisor working in an unsafe manner. What did you do about it?
- What kind of work have you done with maintenance planning, costing, scheduling, and on-time project completion activities?
- Production downtime, as well as unexpected breakdowns increase the costs of manufacturing. Tell us about a situation in which you reduced or recovered production or maintenance costs.
- What work-related achievement are you the most proud of?
- How do you approach a problem? Do you prefer to assess a problem quickly and initiate a fix, or take some time to consider the situation and possibly seek advice before arriving at a decision?
- When was the last time you had a conflict with a co-worker or supervisor?
How Do I Get There?
In addition to the post-secondary options listed below, some of the occupations in this category will allow you to go directly to work following high school. For those wishing to specialize in specific areas in this occupational category here are some options for furthering your education:
Private Training
Eastern College, Moncton / Saint John / Fredericton, NB
- Supply Chain and Logistics
- Welder / Metal Fabricator
- Energy Systems Technology
- Power Engineering Technology
- HVAC: Sheet Metal Fabrication
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- Electronics Engineering Technology
- Water / Wastewater Operator
University of New Brunswick, Saint John / Fredericton, NB
Université de Moncton
How would you like to play a role in manufacturing products people need and use everyday?